Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Most people know I love, love, love this holiday! I spend months in advance trying to decide on a costume and maybe plan a party. This year it's not going to happen unfortunately because of work, but I'm not going to let that get me down. I may not be able to use my costume this year, but hey...I'll be already for next year :-D

I just want to wish all of you a happy and safe holiday and I can't wait to see all the pictures! To get into the holiday spirit, I'm leaving you with some pumpkin carvings that I found online. Hope you enjoy them!


UTSquishy said...

You forgot the greatest annual pumpkin art site in existence.

Pinky Lovejoy-Coogan said...

I wish you could come out tonight! Have a great holiday anyway. What was your costume?