Thursday, May 14, 2009

Reality...I Don't Like It...Or Maybe I Do

Well it's been a week since my vacation ended and I'm still trying to get used to being back in reality and I'm not liking it. I want to be back in the laid back life of "Down Under". I'm still adjusting to driving (I know it's crazy).

However I'm glad to be back to good American food. I can't believe how much I missed ketchup and ranch dressing. Plus, I can start my favorite time of year for movies. I love summer movies! Love, love, love them! So be on the look out for many movie reviews from me. Another good thing is I'm going to start working out again. My vacation did me wonders for getting me wanting to get back to the gym. I got plenty of exercise while on holiday and even lost seven pounds! Now I just need to keep it going.

Even though my vacation is over, I can honestly say that it was one of the best things to happen to me. So big loves and hugs to my parents who gave me this opportunity!


Debra said...

wow. 7 pounds? that's great!

and I don't think anyone wants to stop their vacation and go back to real life, so nothing weird there. I also know what you mean about missing certain foods. After my 6 weeks in Italy, I was happy to come home to some American food and condiments myself.

There are a lot of movies out and many coming out I'm curious about, so I can't wait to read your reviews. I love reading them!

orangemily said...

Good job losing weight!
I can't wait to read your movie reviews, especially since I probably won't get to see most of them.