Saturday, May 24, 2014

A Year Later...

This is the weekend that marks the anniversary of my horrible car accident. I need to get things off my mind, so I apologize in advance if this is wordy.

The Saturday of the Memorial Day weekend 2013, I was doing my usual routine of going picking up my Powerade from Carl's Jr. and heading to work. I didn't know that this would be the morning that would change my life. I was driving North on Redwood Road headed towards I-215. I was going through the green light at the intersection of 7200 South when all of a sudden a minivan came out of nowhere and t-boned me on the driver's side. I truly didn't see him coming!

The impact broke and fractured over two dozen bones in my body, most of them in my foot. The impact was so great that the engine landed on my foot and the bones just scattered in all directions. My elbow went through the driver's side window requiring many stitches, my pinky on my left hand was broken along with a couple of bones in my wrist. Along with facial wounds and badly fractured ribs, clavicles and vertebrae, my femur was shattered. Shattered to the point that even after a year my leg is still broken.

I'm not going to sugar coat it, this past year has been very hard! The physical recovery alone is painful, but the mental anguish is what has, and still is, the worst part. Shortly after my accident, there was a news report about an accident almost identical to mine, except the man, a father of two young children, was killed. Survivor guilt set in big time! Depression, hate and rage were the emotions of choice this day. Why was I saved and not this man? This is just the first of many times that I would end up crying because of the news of someone else's accident. My rage has been out of control many times in the past year and I truly am sorry for it, along with me being anti-social. Many days, I just want to sleep the day away never to think about what may be happening with others. Again I'm sorry for my selfishness and I promise to get better with that.

In the past year I have had many experiences with how wonderful the people are in my life! From all the wonderful message of support and love, to the fund raisers given to me by Matt Clarke and Tricia Hansen and everyone that sent in donations. There are a couple of people that I need to thank more than anyone...that is my sister Tiffany and my mother Eve. My life would have had a different ending if it weren't for these two taking care of me! I want to thank each and everyone of my family members and friends who have helped me through this difficult time. I know I could never pay you back, but I'll try my best. Here's to a better tomorrow!
Loves & Hugs


The Phoenix and The Butterfly said...

I just wanted to say, so you know...I'm grateful for having you in my life. You likely never wanted to be such an inspiration to so many (and likely hate it, some days), but while I wish you hadn't had to be...thank you for giving the world what you could. You are one of the most beautiful souls I know, and I'm grateful for the chance to know you.

Pinky Lovejoy-Coogan said...

Sweetie, I'm so very sorry you had to go through that. But, I'm very happy you're still here! I had a similar car accident in 1999 and our arms could be twins. It gets a bit easier, but I'll never not hear that smashing in my head. Love and hugs to you! xoxo

Jerry Brady said...

What happened to you was horrible! It was a good thing that you came out alive, and was able to fully recover from the accident. And I hope that the people around you were able to help you with getting over the mental trauma. Stay safe!

Jerry Brady @ Lambert and Williams Law

Anonymous said...

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